Shahin Kamran

John O’ Connor has been my personal trainer since September 2007. I feel that I am in much better physical shape since I started working out with John. Prior to working out with John I had knee pains when I went skiing or when I walked on high heel shoes. Prior to working out with John, I always ended up hurting my back if I went to the gym to work out. John helped me build muscle strength gradually and I feel I am stronger overall. I no longer experience back pain or knee pain after such activities. John is not only a great personal trainer but he is a great friend and a nice human being. He is also extremely knowledgeable of the human anatomy and can often point you to the source of your problems when you describe a pain. He doesn’t pretend to be a doctor but most of the time when it comes to pain, his recommendations for a course of action are just as good as any doctor. I also have taken Yoga classes with John. He has the same philosophy for training a person whether it is with yoga or overall fitness. He starts very slow and gradually builds on your strength. I love taking yoga classes with John because at the end I feel that I am in a total state of relaxation.

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